Since time immemorial, the sea has formed a mysterious world that aroused man and drew all his attention... This is how the oceans played a major role in linking relations between ancient civilizations, by drawing communication methods and creating wide networks of trade exchanges between ancient peoples and societies... Herodotus mentioned in one of his books dedicated to Morocco, the ways The trade exchanges that took place between the Berbers and the Carthaginians...and made "Hanoun" one of the coastal cities that he established during his expeditions, commercial centers. The city of "Ras Kantan" located a few kilometers north of Safi was one of them... In this area, near the "Bedouza" there is one of the lighthouses that It witnessed great activity for many years, which still sends its light to dispel the darkness of the sea and guide the ships: . During this episode, Amodu will reveal many secrets in this area, and will study and research, the rumor that says that there is a city in the place, flooded by sea water, “Tigalin City” …
- , Environment
- , Nature
- , Sea
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