The Ksar of Tamselmt

To Eastern Morocco, at the northern end of the Eastern High Atlas mountains, we embarked on an exploratory journey to a Moroccan region still shrouded in mystery regarding its environment, history, and tribal heritage.
We find ourselves in the presence of a Moroccan town that serves as a living example of a land in perfect harmony with its ancient history and its almost impenetrable geography.
We stand before a hamlet we selected, approximately 45 kilometers from Talsint, called Tamsalmat. Here, we aim to explore its monograph and its Saghroushni inhabitants, as well as the blend of Zenati, Sanhaja, and Arab tribes that have intermingled within this ancient passage and gateway to Eastern Morocco.

Type :
  • , High Atlas
  • , Eastern Morocco
  • , History
  • , Spirituality
  • , Villages
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