Aidi, the unknown dog of the Atlas

An episode that delves into the story of the Aidi, the Atlas dog that once shared its mountainous home with the Atlas lion. This unique breed boasts a rich history, with its noble services to the people of North Africa enduring across time and generations.

A herding, guarding, and companion dog, the Aidi is a formidable protector, deterring intruders with its powerful jaws, sharp teeth, and strong claws.

With strong protective instincts that make it highly cautious around strangers, the Aidi is nevertheless easy to train, becoming a gentle, loyal, and affectionate companion devoted to its owner and family.

Despite the variety within its breed, benefiting from the Aidi’s loyalty depends on ensuring the true, original lineage of this non-hybrid dog. Early training with mental and physical engagement is essential to prevent the development of negative behaviors that could limit its remarkable potential.

Only a few know the Aidi, this native Moroccan breed that remains unknown in its own homeland.

Type :
  • , Animals
  • , Archaeology
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